Нови научни публикации от 01.01.2021г. до 16.10.2021г.
Нови научни публикации от 01.01.2021г. до 16.10.2021г.
(Предстои да излязат още 3 в Scopus и 1 индексирана в CrossRef, които ги няма в този списък)
- George Pashev, Silvia Gaftandzhieva.(2021).Workflow Based Prototype for Criminal Investigation in BulgariaTEM Journal, 10(1), 351-357. (publication, 2021, scopus, SJR, web of science) https://www.temjournal.com/content/101/TEMJournalFebruary2021_351_357.pdf
- Rumen Daskalov, George Pashev, Silvia Gaftandzhieva(2021).Hybrid Visual Programming Language Environment for Programming Training.TEM Journal, 10(2), 981-986. https://www.temjournal.com/content/102/TEMJournalMay2021_981_986.pdf (Publication, Scopus, SJR, Web of Science, 2021)
- Пашев, Г., Донева, Р., С. Гафтанджиева, Приложение на акумулативни фреймови модели в обучението по програмиране, Proceedings of the Fiftieth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2021, 1001-1006 стр., https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiUx4GV3trwAhWtwAIHHQewBcMQFjACegQIAxAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.math.bas.bg%2Fsmb%2F2021_PK%2Ftom_2021%2Fpdf%2F284-289.pdf&usg=AOvVaw24eqeTGwyoic7xbxXAy6t6 (publication, 2021)
- George Pashev, Silvia Gaftandzhieva.(2021).Facebook Integrated Chatbot for Bulgarian Language Aiding Learning Content Delivery.TEM Journal, 10(3), 1011-1015. https://www.temjournal.com/content/103/TEMJournalAugust2021_1011_1015.pdf (Publication, Web of Science, Scopus, SJR, 2021)
- Silvia Gaftandzhieva, Rositsa Doneva, George Pashev, Mariya Docheva (2021). Learning analytics tool for bulgarian school education, Mathematics and Informatics, ISSN 1310–2230, Vo. 64, Iss. 4, pp. 182-195, https://doi.org/10.53656/math2021-4-2-lea, (Publication, Web of Science, 2021)
- Pashev George, An Adaptive E-learning System for Teaching Mobile Applications , International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol. 10, Issue. 9, September 2021, pg.80 – 87 https://ijcsmc.com/docs/papers/September2021/V10I9202111.pdf (Publication, 2021, Crossref, DOI)
- Pashev George, Personalized Healthy Anti-COVID Menu Generator Chatbot Based on Prolog, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol. 10, Issue. 10, October 2021, pg.27 – 32 https://ijcsmc.com/docs/papers/October2021/V10I10202106.pdf (Publication, 2021, Crossref, DOI: 0.47760/ijcsmc.2021.v10i10.005)