George Pashev

Website of George Pashev (Jidai Mirai)

Scientist, Programmer, Data Scientist, Enterpreneur

Automated Assessment Through Integration of Heterogeneous Systems with a Workflow Engine

Title: Automated Assessment Through Integration of Heterogeneous Systems with a Workflow Engine
Authors: Pashev, George
Alendarova, Evgenia
Totkov, George
Keywords: работен процес
разнотипни системи
Issue Date: 28-May-2015
Publisher: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Association for the Development of the Information Society
Citation: Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015, 119p-128p
Series/Report no.: ADIS;2015
Abstract: The paper presents a method for integration of heterogeneous systems through workflows. Fundamental problems concerning the problem are reviewed and methodology is proposed. The suggested multilayer abstract architecture supports integration of heterogeneous systems with a workflow engine. We have created a custom workflow PHP framework, named Tiny Workflow Management PHP Framework (TinyWfFrm). Each state node in the workflow is logically connected to a web method in heterogeneous systems. A prototype containing work-flow definitions for student and teacher users is presented.
Description: Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015
ISSN: 1314-0752
Appears in Collections: ADIS 2015

